


25 years of experience
Minneapolis, MN
United States of America (USA)

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"The food here is terrible, and the portions are too small."


Happy on the road – happy to be home.  I enjoy sharing travel experiences with others – I like to make other people happy.  I love coming home to husband, house and pets – “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”  When asked, “Would you rather spend your free time sitting by a pool soaking up rays or sitting in a library reading books?”  Hands down – the library.  The internet was a game changer for me in doing research – and I enjoy learning new technology.   I was lucky to have my grandparents live with us each summer at our summer cabin and they received many visitors, which made me comfortable from the start in interacting with seniors.  I am more of an active observer/listener than an active talker because everyone has a story and I want to hear about it. 

Tours Offered & Destination Knowledge

Bus ToursMulti-Day Tour Director/Leader

After being a tour director for many years, I pivoted into developing tour itineraries for groups.  They were either motorcoach tours or fly-ins.  Common destinations included many sites in the Midwest along with farther reaching places, such as Charleston/Savannah, San Francisco, Santa Fe, San Diego, Nashville,  Seattle/Victoria/Vancouver, Boston/Cape Cod, Montreal/Quebec City.  Being on the road proved to be a big help when it came to developing tours.  Now I'm back as a Tour Director and can appreciate a well-written itinerary, but can be creative with itineraries if need be. 

Fun Fact!
I went to Italy with my high school Latin Club when I was a Sophmore and a Senior. Two years later, the Latin teacher invited me back to be her assistant on the next trip. Little did I know that that was my intro to being a Tour Director.
Hobbies & Interests
A normal day at home includes throwing a tennis ball for Mona the dog and taking her for walks; I'll exercise on-line with Silver Sneakers; some time at the computer catching up on emails or doing on-line tutorials; a half-hour of playing the piano; cooking supper; indulging in a gin and tonic with my husband before supper; beginning the evening by putting a few more pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together at the dining room table while I watch what's on the local public television station; ending the evening by reading a book. Some days include activities with my ladies social group: biking, pickleball, walking, cribbage, eating out.


"Thank you for making my first group tour very enjoyable.  You made the trip a wonderful experience.  I hope to travel again with you as the leader." - Susan D.

"You are the best.  Thanks for taking such good care of us as usual." - Tom & Linda J.

"Thank you so much for all you did for us & I loved all your stories."  - Cathy A.

"We will always remember the kindness and patience you showed us during our recent trip.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart." - Pam F.

Just a note to thank you for helping us with our luggage and answering all of our questions.  You made our little vacation a good memory will we never forget.  The Twins - Diana & Donna



Gateway Airport(s)




International Guide Academy



Additional Education

Trip School: Start a Tour Business, Storytelling I, Tour Technology Mega Masterclass

Trip School Destination Trainings: Washington D.C., NYC, and Boston; New England


General Availability

3-7 day trips work the best. I have no set availability.

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