


19 years of experience
Chico, CA
United States of America (USA)

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"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime." Mark Twain


I am a very experienced ITMI certified tour director with vast amounts of destination knowledge from years of personal travel, as well as nineteen years of experience as a tour director.  During that time I have taken groups throughout most of the western United States as well as many international trips covering four continents and more than twenty nations.  I consistently received some of the highest customer ratings for my employers.  I am also skilled at upselling if needed.  In addition to my expertise with motor coach touring, I have also managed much larger groups in my positions with meetings, incentives and sports tour groups.  The region in which I have the most experience is California and the Western National Parks.  However my industry reputation is that I can successfully lead a tour to anywhere on a moment’s notice. I have worked in our industry for many years, but I am not a dinosaur.  One of my projects during the pandemic was to complete the ITMI Master Class in Technology, and I have fully integrated the latest technology into my tour directing toolkit.

Tours Offered & Destination Knowledge

Bus ToursCultural/Specialty ToursFood & Drink ToursLarge Group ToursMulti-Day Tour Director/LeaderPrivate ToursStudent Tour DirectorTour Business Owner/Operator

Almost everywhere in the Western USA--California, Southwest, Western National Parks, Pacific Northwest... Central & South America Asia Australia & New Zealand    

Fun Fact!
I spent several years backpacking around the world after I graduated from college.
Hobbies & Interests
Hiking, music, cooking and travel


Gateway Airport(s)

Sacramento, CA



ITMI Certified



Additional Education

ITMI Certified ITMI Technology Master Class UC Berkeley Bachelor's  

General Availability

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