


4 years of experience
Portland OR
United States of America (USA)

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"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost..."


I have come to the realization that I unintentionally spent my entire life preparing to be a tour director, even though I didn’t even know it was a career option until the year I turned 40.  I went to school for education, spent my twenties as a nanny, and spent my thirties in sales operations and management.  All of the skills I acquired in these roles come into play on every single tour I’ve ever led.  🙂  Growing up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan I led dozens of hub-and-spoke tours from my hometown to the various local attractions without realizing that was what it was I was doing.  Then, moving to Oregon as an adult, I spent years exploring on my own and taking visitors on trips all over the PNW to share the breathtaking sights.  Mixed in were vacations and trips all over the US, and to Ireland and Australia, which all fed my love of travel.  I could not have planned a better recipe to prepare me for this role that I have fallen in love with.  I cannot fathom doing anything else for a living.

Tours Offered & Destination Knowledge

Bus ToursDriver GuideGeneral Walking ToursLarge Group ToursLocal GuideMulti-Day Tour Director/LeaderPerformance Group ToursPrivate ToursStudent Tour Director

I am experienced/currently leading tours in the following locations:

  • PNW/Columbia River
  • West Coast (California to Washington)
  • Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon Fiesta
  • Wyoming/Yellowstone/Tetons (all seasons)
  • Music Cities (Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans)
  • Eastern Seaboard (Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, DC, Historic Triangle)
  • Colorado (Historic Trains)
  • Niagara Falls/Toronto

I have also attended the following TripSchool training tours:

  • Fall Foliage
  • Civil Rights
Fun Fact!
I am a self-proclaimed karaoke superstar.
Hobbies & Interests
Reading (I belong to at SIX book clubs), volunteering, yacht rock, theater, gardening, comedy/improv, hiking, and of course karaoke.

Virtual Tour Experience

Zero, zip, zilch. I shine best IRL. ;)


On the very first local tour I ever led, where we hand out local donuts at one stop, I had a guest tell me at the end that they really liked the tour, but they liked me even better.  I can't imagine receiving a better compliment!

On a student tour in NYC, I had a parent ask if she could hire me to take her and her family around the city personally on a future trip.

This year, as we slowly got back into leading local tours again, one of the bus drivers for a riverboat offshore excursion I lead politely said hello as we reintroduced ourselves.  Then at the first stop, after the guests were off the bus, he pulled me aside and said "I remember you now!  You have the best delivery of any guide on this route! You are just so personable and fun!"  It was so lovely to hear as we shake off the dust and get back to work.  :)


Gateway Airport(s)



Washington, D.C., New York City (NYC)


IGA (International Guide Academy, Denver CO). Tour Director certified.



Additional Education

Valedictorian of IGA certification course, January 2018

I scored 136/150 on the NYC guide exam - on my first ever visit to the city!


General Availability

My 2022 schedule is happily quite full, but I am always looking to fill in gaps here and there.

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