How to Create a Wordpress Tour Business Website

Wordpress is the most popular website creation platform in the world. According to, 38% of the web is running on Wordpress. It’s scalable and customizable, and by far the most popular platform on which tour businesses run their websites. However, it’s certainly more complicated than the one-stop-shops like Squarespace, Wix, or Weebly, for example. So we’re going to try to break down the basic first steps and best practices for how to create a tour business website on Wordpress. Should you hire a designer or marketing firm? Ideally, yes! Ultimately, it’s in your best interest to let a professional work through all the difficult mechanics of your Wordpress site. Because Wordpress is so customizable, there’s a lot of room to screw things up. (I worked with one individual whose website was 8MB in size, because they hadn’t compressed any of their images). A trusted designer or marketing firm that knows the tour industry is highly...


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